Our Products
Certified by
[Food Safety and Standards Authority of India], Jeyyam products are rich in protein and nutrition.
State of the art Manufacturing technology
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Premium Quality Products
Suspendisse potenti. Cras a dui et nisl egestas ornare eu quis odio. Sed bibendum in ante.
40+ Years of Experience
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent cursus congue felis, nec pellentesque nulla.
Curology Campaign Rich in taste and full of nutrition, these mixes saves your precious time and prepares a quick meal in a jiffy. Try our bajji/bonda mix, gulab jamun mix, rice mixes & health drink mixes.
Curology Campaign Rich in taste and full of nutrition, these mixes saves your precious time and prepares a quick meal in a jiffy. Try our bajji/bonda mix, gulab jamun mix, rice mixes & health drink mixes.
Curology Campaign Rich in taste and full of nutrition, these mixes saves your precious time and prepares a quick meal in a jiffy. Try our bajji/bonda mix, gulab jamun mix, rice mixes & health drink mixes.
Curology Campaign Rich in taste and full of nutrition, these mixes saves your precious time and prepares a quick meal in a jiffy. Try our bajji/bonda mix, gulab jamun mix, rice mixes & health drink mixes.
Curology Campaign Rich in taste and full of nutrition, these mixes saves your precious time and prepares a quick meal in a jiffy. Try our bajji/bonda mix, gulab jamun mix, rice mixes & health drink mixes.
Curology Campaign Rich in taste and full of nutrition, these mixes saves your precious time and prepares a quick meal in a jiffy. Try our bajji/bonda mix, gulab jamun mix, rice mixes & health drink mixes.
Contact us at info@droggol.com or give us a call +91 70466 01320
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